Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Once upon a time….


this story is old…and…this story is new too…

this story Is…and…this story Was too…

it had some happiness…and…it had a tinch of romance too…

it has some sorrow…and…some loss too…

then the story began….

like all others…

it had a beautiful princess…it had a knight too…

she had always smiled…but one day, she had cried too…

he had won many battles…but one day, he had lost too…

they had always laughed…but one day, they fought too…

the story goes on…

their was loads of anger…but some love lost too…

one was quiet…the other was afraid too…

his princess was gone…now nowhere to be seen…

this knight rode through hell…remembering those happy moments few…

may be the knight’s still far away…but he is always close too…

soon the story grew silent…

now he returns every evening by that white sand beach…may be someday she’ll come too…

he is so tired…yet…he is so smiling too…

he just sees that blue sea…and…that crimson sunset too…

he just stands with his horse by those rocks…and…the waves crash on him too…

since eternity he’s been bleeding…but…he just stands there waiting too…

Once upon a time…there was this fairy tale…

it had a beautiful princess…it had a knight too…

but Princess, it had no ending…just no ending…

Monday, July 20, 2009

i dont know why….

I_am_so_ you know, sometimes sitting here by the window….remembering you….sometimes i wonder, if you have remembered me too….but then, i dont wish to know….

you know, when am alone, broken and shattered….i just wish, you might come and give me a hug….you know, lyf feels very empty in that moment….i dont know, if its lyf at all….

you know, i havent cried….but i just go numb many times….i just dont seem to know whats happening around me….i just dont care….

you know, sometimes i still laugh hysterically with friends….but there is a hollow feeling which i dont understand….you know, that hollowness just eats me up….

you know, i still go on bike rides to cheer me up….but it doesnt excite me anymore….there’s something always missing….there’s somebody always missing….

you know, i had tried being friends with dogs, just to please you…. :))) but somehow they still bark at me and chase me all around….

you know, my favourite song….i dont like it anymore….the melody just hurts me….the tune just isnt rite anymore…

you know, i tried looking at a sunset alone….its not beautiful like last time….i dont know if it was the sunset now….

you know, i have even tried smiling and being happy….but that’s not me right now….everything just angers and frustrates me….you know, i miss you in my happiness….

you know, through that week….when you stopped talking to me….deep down, i knew, i am losing you….but all the while i also knew….i am losing me too…..…..

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dance with me tonight...

i wanna ask you…

if you would dance with me tonight…

lost in your eyes…

caring about nothing else…

with a glass of wine,

& some roses…red…

i wanna ask you…

tonight i am not afraid…

If you would dance with me tonight…

music…play on…

holding you close…

i wanna sway you away,

to a world new…

i wanna feel your breath…

i wanna hear your heart beats too…

i wanna ask you…

if you would dance with me tonight…

some danish chocolates…

& a pink teddy bear…

i wanna come close,

hug you…

& smell your hair…

i wanna ask you…

if you would dance with me tonight…

i have lost my words…

i wanna rhyme again…

your lips are poetry…

i wanna kiss again…

i wanna ask you…

if you would dance with me tonight…

music…play on…

the night is still young…

tonight…wants you & me…

baby…just you & me..

i wanna ask you…

if you would dance with me tonight…

would you…???

Monday, February 2, 2009

I will…!!!


In Recession hit Global Economy - Attitude matters !!!

Let the sky… rise a little high…
I am here to fly… I will…

Let the storm siege my ship…
I am here to sail… I will…

I am not afraid… I wanna live my dreams…
I know… I will…

I don’t know the ways today…
If I have to make one… I will…

I don’t know how to give up…
If I have to try, try & try… I will…

As a straw I may break…
with friends if I have strength… I will…

I have an attitude… I have a will… I have a belief…
I just have to work hard… I will…

There’s a low in every high… a high in every low…
I am here to face the world… I will…

I don’t know recessions… Do hell with them…
I wanna make BIG… I will…!!!