Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An evening to remember

So there was a moment in our lives when most of us became skeptical. To a downright point of mistrust in anyone else who might ever come close to us. The best way we do this is, by building a nice, strong, sturdy wall around us. It helps. It hurts less. It serves the purpose of keeping ourselves less vulnerable.  What often is most painful about a relationship not working out is that we share our deepest secrets of life with someone, even then it’s not good enough for them to stick around. We feel exposed. The person knows us, in all its sense and still wants to part ways. Well, it’s tough. A part of us is shattered and it’s never the same. But what’s more disappointing than this is, when we start conceding with life, with happiness, with feeling true to ourselves. Compromising is an easier way to live.

Breakups happen. Life is much bigger, beyond that. It is about what we learn from our experiences, but a knock or two changing the course of what we believe in or how we connect with someone will get us anything but joy. In protecting ourselves from all the bad, how can we forget the first pure euphoria. That selfless feeling of two people being there for each other. That one perfect evening when you were falling for someone, and you were not the only one. The evening lingers, the moments, the memories you made, it made it all worth. All the negativity in the world melted in warmth and an enduring smile of someone by your side. Life rocks you to your very soul. It is in that moment, splendid best.

Such a feeling is not worth giving up, in the deepest corners of yourself, you know that. You owe it to that one evening when all was perfect, you shouldn’t take anything less than that in life. Open your heart, and you have many more memories to make.  

Monday, July 8, 2013

The comfort zone

It was around August last year when I stood there with a Dubai job offer in hand and resignation email flashing on the screen in front of me. Three and half yrs of association with a large organization has its own way of making you doubt the sanity of your decision to leave it, even though you have always thought you are meant for something more in life. I was restless but also equally calm around the happenings. For me, I did need a bigger, newer learning curve in life.

Sometimes you don't fear uncertainty until you actually stare it in face. I remember a bigger panic than excitement in my initial days around this time, coz life as I knew it, will change. Some things for good, some not so much, but I knew, that's the deal I have now entered. I was ready to change with coming experiences.

25 yrs of growing up in the same home and not living elsewhere dawned me with nightmares of surviving alone in coming times. Smallest of things taken for granted would have to be given up, the rosy picture of a new land does eventually fade away and I started to realize that being away from my city and family could actually be a struggle. There are also, enough people to highlight the negatives around you. Thoughts run around in lightning speed when nervous. Eventually, I like myself for having those little guts to jump into some risky and stupid decisions even if behind it I am shaken.

Life might get you bigger & better things, sometimes, all you have to do is go and ask for it. It doesn't come without a price though, look for your best bargain. Unless, we start breaking ourselves out of self made comfort zone, the secured cocoon we know of, how would we ever progress, how would we ever be anywhere new, how would we ever truly evolve? Go think about, how you can start living differently.
posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Break up

the ship somewhere lost its way.

he knew what was to happen but took the step.

Time; Tide roared in dark laughter that night.

he held on to a dreaded ringing of the phone.

wreck had neither journey; nor destination.

he wished her to cry; shout on the other line.

emotions had their way of confessions.

her indifferent silence; pierced the cold blade.